Friday, June 7, 2013

Why is that Squared so Odd!!

June 7,2013 
In class we found out a pattern of our worksheet was that all the unlocked lockers where perfect squares. We didn't get a chance to explain why this was, so thats what im going to blog about. What my group came to a conclusion about was that this pattern happend because all perfect # have an odd amount of factors. 

Ex: 9:1,3,9 or 36:1,2,3,4,6,9,12,18,36
9 which is the perfect square for 3 has 3 factors and 3 is obviously an odd #. 36 is a larger # and has more factors. 36 is 6 squared and it has 9 factors once again 9 is an odd #!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

My .9 repeating is Spinning!

Withen class today we discussed how .9 repeating is equal to 1. Student(s) came to a consensus that the two are indeed equal I understand or semi understand the process behind how this idea was confirmed but what I don't understand is how .9 can repeat forever and never increase but yet it equals one. Plus in the equation there was a variable used I don't get how or why we can randomly through in a variable and I dont get where it came from?

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

What is N?

 I think that with the problem given today I might have an equation that could help decide each fraction 1/4n*1/4=y. what I have a question about is the what the variable n is = to when u use one the equation works out!  yet when I use 2 it doesn't so using some thinking I changed it to 1/2 which worked !! .... But sadly when I changed it to 1/4 it didnt work out ! so that part has me stuck where should I go because n needs to go up or down in a constant rate so that the numbers equal the fractions I came up with in class!!

Monday, June 3, 2013

Finding my Direction.... What does this mean??

So today in my math class we found out a little about our selves which was also used in a method to find out how we work or would work with other people in groups. With this he used the compass rose and personality traits that follow them and everyone in class chose which applied to them the most. An example is   I'm all four North-Leaders, South-Cooperative or open to ideas, East-Futuristic thinkers or creative and lastly West-Planner. You can choose which one you might be its up to you! but each category opens up who you are as a learner, thinker, person and last but not least... actually more like the most important how you work with others! I'm going to get to a different point but I promise I  shall connect it and it will all make sense! So in our, your, and my everyday life I have and are going to work with others and it would be nice if every person walked around with a badge that explains their personality and what kind of people they work best with etc... but they don't so group assignments can go horrible and everything crumbles or it can go great and you have the best that is ever possible work the outcome well we don't know until we find out who is in our group! This method that is also a great ice breaker by the way of north south east and west helps predetermine how a group projects will work out! like everyone hates Norths because well their annoying but they are extremely useful because they will be the leaders that help guide your group to an amazing out come.   nothing like the Norths are the Souths who are open to any ones ideas and give patience and balance to your group although complete polar opposites they still manage to work together in a harmony (sometimes) to weigh the a group in the right direction. I know this is long I'm almost done :) so lastly what I have learned through this crazy icebreaker is that a group is only as good and compatible as the group members in there so i know its going to be hard finding each end of the compass rose for your group assignments but try not to just pick the smartest kids even though that may be useful but pick a group that has a little bit of everything because no matter the direction the ideas the scholarship and cooperation will rule overall!!!